Saturday, February 14, 2009

What are the requirements for emercgency leave from work in Dubai

What are the requirements for emercgency leave from work in Dubai?
What are the requirements for emercgency leave from work in Dubai? because i need to go for a vacation to the Philippines as my niece has a heart problem and shes only 7 years old and her mother passed away 2 years ago. I need to be there for her.
United Arab Emirates - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
There are no requirements for "emergency" leave as such kind of leave doesn't exist. If your leave will get approved or not will depend on your employer only. All the best for your niece.
2 :
See, there is nothing called emergency leave requirements. To get an immediate leave, you should be able to convince your GM (or the deciding authority). Emergency means which is not planned, so we can't have guidelines for that.. good luck with your niece's problem..
3 :
Definitely in order to get your request granted, is the medical examination certificate of your niece and your request submitted to your boss. These days, employers are very skeptic when it comes to emergency leave, because people run away....Its just up to your boss, and your company. All the best!