Saturday, January 7, 2012

i am an australian looking for work in Dubai in Call Centre and Teleco management.

i am an australian looking for work in Dubai in Call Centre and Teleco management.?
i have been applying via various websites however there does not seem to be much in Dubai with respect to Call Centres. Does anyone know of any specialist Call Centre recruitment firms for Duabi or the entire UAE for that matter. I am also married with 3 children. What are my chances of getting a job???
United Arab Emirates - 4 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Most call centres are outsourced to countries with cheaper labour such as India and Egypt.
2 :
Try the banking sector mate! They got loads of jobs for people in experience at call centers.
3 :
I do not want to seem rude nor offensive, but you as an Australian will not get any job in this field. There are to many Indians working in these outsoured fields for a third than an Australian woud cost. In the UAE you get paid by your Nationality and any educated Indian is cheaper than an Australian. That's the way it is without any offense to any nationality. Take care.
4 :
I assume by call center you mean those annoying people in the west who call you and bother you at home by trying to sell you things you don't want or need! I lived in Abu Dhabi, UAE for 5 years and never recieved a single one of those calls on my phone. And I agree with H if it had to done then it would have to be outsourced to somebody from a third world country who probably were fluent in both Arabic and English.